Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Money woes

When I heard that one receives financial aid when studying abroad, I thought, "Sign me up! Yeah government money!" I wasn't sure how the financial aid office would disburse my money though, but I just assumed that I would get financial aid once I arrived in Chile with money to get me through from late June to December. I called the financial aid office today to ask about it (after all, I leave in 27 days). And...turns out I don't get any financial aid until September.


Hm. It's not exactly devastating. I've been saving money since last summer so I have that...but I was planning on using that money for a car in my senior year. I also applied for study abroad scholarships...but the ERC scholarship did reject me. I'll have to wait until June to find out the rest.

Sigh. This reminds me of something a wiseman by the name of MooMoo once said:
"今お金がありません。 (Ima okane ga arimasen.)
Translation: I'm po'. "

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Chilean visa

My Chilean student visa is ready!
Edit: I got it! Now let's try to go for a month and not lose my passport...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

James 4: 13-17

I thought this verse might encourage us all to desire what God wants for us, not what we want for ourselves.
Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit."
Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.

Instead, you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that."

But as it is, you boast in your arrogance; all such boasting is evil.

Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

More paperwork @_@

Good thing that I saved those mess up passport pictures. I need them for a couple of other papers that I need to turn into ICU itself.

Oh yeah, I got my acceptance packet. :D So it's pretty official now. But at the same time, I don't want to jump to conclusions about anything because as it is, I still feel kind of uncertain as to whether or not this will all go through. Maybe it's because it's such a big trip. Ya know, to not only study in another country but to live there for three months without my parents... D: It's a scary thought.

It's quite delightful, I know someone else who's going to ICU for the fall. Aside from Susan Ku, anyway. So us three are trying to plan something where we can stay in the same hotel the night before we have to go to ICU. Aw, it would be so cute for us to room together. Hah. Hah. Hah. But not if that means that I have to share sleeping space. If that's the case, then I will take the floor, thank you very much.

Anyway, just thought that I'd give this blog a little poke. And I still haven't looked into churches in Japan since that one night that I was on a google rampage. It's pretty discouraging to see all of the not so solid churches and frustrating to be unable to find a solid one. Plz pray for me. D: I know that God will provide but all the while, I can't help but be antsy and stuff. I shouldn't be. Ahhh. @_@

Word of the day

理想的 (りそうてき = risouteki, pronounced ree-soe-teh-kee)
Definition: Ideal (adj.)

Example sentence
Risouteki na bangohan wa ramen desu.
The ideal dinner is ramen. (Note: I am going to have this for dinner tonight. Shweeeeet.)

Saturday, May 3, 2008


That's "Hi!" in Danish! It's pronounced pretty much the same as "hi" in English except it raises the voice at the end like a question mark. So pronunciation-wise its: hi? Haha. Fun stuff, I love Danish!

And yes, the EAP Orientation was fun... for the first half of it. Haha. They were sharing stories of purses getting stolen, a girl that was raped, and weird infections that could happen while in the rural areas. Haha....hopefully that does not happen to any of us ladies. And they were warning us ladies to be careful around guys because we will probably really stick out of the crowd and can be easily pinpointed. Haha, just checked the Asian population in Denmark at it's 0.4% out of 5.4 million people! Haha, I am definitely going to stick out of the crowd. For the second half, I had to leave early for the IM volleyball game!

But anyways...time flies so fast. Spring quarter will be done in 6 more weeks! Then it's Resolved Conference, then maybe go home after Monday and then come back to San Diego for graduation, then it's China from June 24-July 7, and then stay home for a week and then maybe for a week stay in San Diego to say bye, then be home for another week and then i'm off! July 29th is my projected date to fly to Denmark! i have to be there by August 1st for the orientation and the flight will take close to about 15 hours! Yay for jetlag.

Really scattered thoughts right now, but starting to pray for the trip more and more. There's so much to pray for! I'll put up a prayer list when the time is nearing.

During my last post, I was getting all sad that I was leaving San Diego - but reflecting back I shouldn't be at all! It's gonna be awesome!! I should be thrilled to study in a new country, with new people, be part of another body of Christ and worship with believers, and best of all I get to fulfill the Great Commission to Denmark! How awesome is that! SHARING THE GOSPEL TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH! LET'S GO!!!!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


EAP orientation yesterday was fun. Just shove me on a plane right now. I really want to go. Hahaha. Lord willing, I'll be able to go come late August. :)

I always come running away to blogging when I realize how much OWNAGE is waiting for me. It's name is "midterm." Say hello.


In this situation, when I have a mo bio midterm that's worth 40% of my grade looming over my head, someone may say to me, "大変ですよね。。。” which brings me to what today's word of the day is!

大変 (たいへん, taihen)
Definition: Difficult, serious, grave... in Moonbonics, "OH NOEZ!"
Example sentence: 明日中間試験が二つあるから大変です! (Because I have two midterms tomorrow, I'm in a difficult situation!)

Bye. :(