Got to see cool stuff like Kajakpolo!
Kajakpolo is's a mix of what they said "handball," waterpolo, and kayaking. Haha. I wanted to jump on in there to play - it was all these like macho men playing against each other. It was funny - because sometimes they just purposefully tipped each other's boats so that they wouldn't get that waterpolo ball. It was fun to watch!
Saw other crazy Danish activities like diving off this wooden diving board thing. Haha kids would jump from meters high!
Other weird activities but looked really fun was trampoline diving! Watch this kid do like a somersault backflip!
And then I watched a full on bboy battle. There was one kid that was maybe 12? And he was pretty good for his age. The crowd loved him.
Haha but the funniest one was a GRANDMA bboyin'! She was horrible...funny though because she actually did some freezes. She was BUFF...I will not be like that...
Battle! Here's a video!
Here's another slideshow of pictures from Saturday:
Other good news! I think I have found my spiritual temporary home here in Denmark! :) First International Baptist Church! I'm going to love walking or hopefully riding my bike to church every Sunday. Here's why... so pretty isn't it!
Here's the front of the church:

I was so excited to see other believers worshiping God and professing that Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross for us! Their NVT (new visitors team) was really nice - she even like patted my back and rubbed it a little as I walked in. Haha. But the songs were also very God centered and Bible centered - sang: "Open the Eyes of my Heart", "To God be the Glory", "The Love of God", "How Deep the Father's Love", and "I Am Thine, O Lord." Hymns = :) The music leader had great times of teaching in between almost each song. :) Once I heard the piano into to "How Deep the Father's Love" I smiled. I love that song - because really it focuses on Christ and Him crucified. FIBC also practices communion every first Sunday of the month! :) Reminded me of Lighthouse. Glad to see that they remember Christ crucified and practice it as a church body. They also have membership as well - and I'm thinking about becoming an "Associate Member" not a "Full Member" because I still want to be a member at Lighthouse! But then I have still pray about it because I don't know when I'm going to be traveling, but I can still serve if I'm just a "Participant in Fellowship." It was great to see that they had many different Bible study groups throughout the week and also a young adults/college ministry called Connect. Although Pastor N.Erik Nielsen is on sabbatical right now, he is still at church - just not preaching on Sundays. Right now a couple from the US that are missionaries through the IMB (International Mission Board) will be staying until next September. Pastor Tom Suitor and his wife Barb are going to be mentoring Pastor Erik and his wife. Although Pastor Tom and I think Pastor Erik do not do expository preaching, but I am not going to let that be what holds me back from this church. I think this church is the closest I can get to like-mindedness with Lighthouse. I spoke with Pastor Erik and Pastor Tom for a good while - learning about their past and where they are from. Pastor Erik when to Talbot School of Theology and interned at Whittier Hills Baptist Church. Pastor Erik also has FIVE boys between the ages of 6 and 13! How awesome is that. But anyways, I could say more and more - I'm just so glad they preached Christ crucified by talking about Communion - the Bread and the Cup. He was saying that Christ took such ordinary everyday things like bread which people back then would eat everyday. He took the wine as well - something that they would drink everyday. These things are such common elements in life - that the image in mind that people should have when they eat bread or drink the cup of wine is to remind you of Jesus' sacrifice. When you take that cup and drink if should remind you of the blood of Christ. This is sorta paraphrased: "If we are to follow Him, must remember what it cost to follow Him - even to Gethsemane (Place of Crushing). No longer that I live but Christ that lives in me." He preached against the "prosperity gospel" too - and said if you want to follow Christ - it will cost you!
He said to read Psalm 118 too - and when we read it, we should keep in mind the Lord's Supper and Jesus' death. Must do that tonight.
But :DDDDD! I think I'm staying at FIBC. All the other English churches here are charismatic, BIG, or really far.
Haha, another cool thing that happened on Sunday at church was that I got connections to get a free bike! His name is Aiban and he's just leaving the country to do his PhD in London - after trying it I asked him how much it would costs, but he said he didn't want any money! What a generous man!!!! It would costs me 450 DKK ($90) at least! Yay!!!
Well that was my weekend! Will update more on what's been going on this week!
I'll just say:
"Jeg kan ikke forstå dansk!"
( I can not understand Danish!) Haha don't even try to pronounce that.

I was so excited to see other believers worshiping God and professing that Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross for us! Their NVT (new visitors team) was really nice - she even like patted my back and rubbed it a little as I walked in. Haha. But the songs were also very God centered and Bible centered - sang: "Open the Eyes of my Heart", "To God be the Glory", "The Love of God", "How Deep the Father's Love", and "I Am Thine, O Lord." Hymns = :) The music leader had great times of teaching in between almost each song. :) Once I heard the piano into to "How Deep the Father's Love" I smiled. I love that song - because really it focuses on Christ and Him crucified. FIBC also practices communion every first Sunday of the month! :) Reminded me of Lighthouse. Glad to see that they remember Christ crucified and practice it as a church body. They also have membership as well - and I'm thinking about becoming an "Associate Member" not a "Full Member" because I still want to be a member at Lighthouse! But then I have still pray about it because I don't know when I'm going to be traveling, but I can still serve if I'm just a "Participant in Fellowship." It was great to see that they had many different Bible study groups throughout the week and also a young adults/college ministry called Connect. Although Pastor N.Erik Nielsen is on sabbatical right now, he is still at church - just not preaching on Sundays. Right now a couple from the US that are missionaries through the IMB (International Mission Board) will be staying until next September. Pastor Tom Suitor and his wife Barb are going to be mentoring Pastor Erik and his wife. Although Pastor Tom and I think Pastor Erik do not do expository preaching, but I am not going to let that be what holds me back from this church. I think this church is the closest I can get to like-mindedness with Lighthouse. I spoke with Pastor Erik and Pastor Tom for a good while - learning about their past and where they are from. Pastor Erik when to Talbot School of Theology and interned at Whittier Hills Baptist Church. Pastor Erik also has FIVE boys between the ages of 6 and 13! How awesome is that. But anyways, I could say more and more - I'm just so glad they preached Christ crucified by talking about Communion - the Bread and the Cup. He was saying that Christ took such ordinary everyday things like bread which people back then would eat everyday. He took the wine as well - something that they would drink everyday. These things are such common elements in life - that the image in mind that people should have when they eat bread or drink the cup of wine is to remind you of Jesus' sacrifice. When you take that cup and drink if should remind you of the blood of Christ. This is sorta paraphrased: "If we are to follow Him, must remember what it cost to follow Him - even to Gethsemane (Place of Crushing). No longer that I live but Christ that lives in me." He preached against the "prosperity gospel" too - and said if you want to follow Christ - it will cost you!
He said to read Psalm 118 too - and when we read it, we should keep in mind the Lord's Supper and Jesus' death. Must do that tonight.
But :DDDDD! I think I'm staying at FIBC. All the other English churches here are charismatic, BIG, or really far.
Haha, another cool thing that happened on Sunday at church was that I got connections to get a free bike! His name is Aiban and he's just leaving the country to do his PhD in London - after trying it I asked him how much it would costs, but he said he didn't want any money! What a generous man!!!! It would costs me 450 DKK ($90) at least! Yay!!!
Well that was my weekend! Will update more on what's been going on this week!
I'll just say:
"Jeg kan ikke forstå dansk!"
( I can not understand Danish!) Haha don't even try to pronounce that.
you should've gone for a dive into the water too!
This is so cool that you guys have this site!!! (Hi, Grace & Moon!) I'm glad you found such a good church, Wury! How neat to fellowship with believers around the world. :)
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