Btw, the symptoms have been diarrhea and fever. I will not elaborate anymore than that. Hahaha.
I'm not sure where I got the food poisoning from (as I'm assuming that that's what I have). I ate at a sushi-go-round last night in Shibuya (which I will have pictures of) but no one else that I ate with got messed up. Haha. I denno. But that's ok, I think that the brunt of it's over. I got so much sleep today. I had to skip church too, 'cause my fever was running too high and I didn't know when diarrhea would hit me again. The safest place was my room.
I made some rice porridge and am slowly eating it right now. Good thing, my body's not having an adverse reaction to it.
Anyway, enough with my whining. Here are pictures!
Kirin Lemon! My favorite soda in Japan thus far. It's a lemon soda, if you haven't figured that part out already.
For all you curious about how it looks like inside the train. This was pretty late at night so there weren't too many people on the train. I believe that this was the Chuo Line.

I had soondubu! It was tiny, though. My hand's there for a size comparison. Hahaha. Just look at how the spoon juts out of the bowl. It was tiny. But it was filling.
I had soondubu! It was tiny, though. My hand's there for a size comparison. Hahaha. Just look at how the spoon juts out of the bowl. It was tiny. But it was filling.
Don't believe that my school's surrounded by a forest? Take a look at this! It looks like you could just pitch a tent right there!
But the trees to make the campus look pretty. :) This is the entrance into the school.
Sweets Forest! Yep, the trees are indoors.They're obviously fake but they're so pretty. *-* This was in the outskirts of Shibuya, I think? It's such a couples place. x_X But yes, Sweets Forest is a whole bunch of dessert stores. Think of a mini dessert mall. Mmm...
On the other side, they even had a whole autumn theme going on!
There's this cute little well in the... forest.
I got a crepe. It was preeetty good. But very expensive. D: The coolest thing, though, was the utensils! They're made of wood! Hhaaha. Eco-friendly utensils. :D The downside is that you could taste the wood when you ate your food. That was a little weird.
Hahahah this one cracked me up so much. Emo Cafe! I bought something here, just because of the name of the store. Hhahahaa.
Yes, they also sold Emo Blownies. Mmmm. Blownies...
I got this little orange chocolate... blob. It tasted pretty good but I was expecting more. Oh well.
Shibuya! This is what I saw as soon as I got out of the train station. Craziness!
Took a picture with Hachikou. So Hachikou was a real dog. Its owner got him when he was a puppy back in like, the 1920s or something. Hachikou would walk with his owner to the Shibuya station every day and then walk back home afterwards. When it was time for the owner to come back home, Hachikou would go wait at the station for its master. The crazy thing is, after the owner died, Hachikou stilled waited on its master every day at the station for 20-some years. He became a minor national celebrity and they raised this statue to remember his loyalty. He was there for the raising of his own statue. Haha. But yes, that story made me go ;o;!
Yes, I am walking the famous scramble crossing! We wanted to go up on a higher level to get a picture of it but alas, we couldn't find a place to do it. D: Whatevs.
A glimpse of a crazy Shibuya street.
Ah, this is at the sushi-go-round. We have to eat a minimum of 7 plates. The plates are 120 yen each. It's not too bad. This was probably my favorite there, aside from the tuna. Yes, it's just beef & onions. I can't get away from beef. *-*
Gochisosama deshita. Haha. I took pictures of all of my dishes (except one, I got too excited and ate before I remembered to take the picture... -_-;). This is the end result.
Oh, and I threw a melon on there last minute, just to kind of leave a refreshing taste in my mouth.
Yes, the famous Shibuya 109. Eight floors of shops! Crazy shops!
I was diggin' the fur. Apparently, fur's the "in" thing right now.
Some crazy 80's wear store.Yes, the girls you see are workers. A couple of my friends had more guts to ask them for a picture. Hahhaah.
A square watermelon! And yes, it is ~$120!
And a pyramid shaped watermelon. This one costs ~$150, I believe.
Oh, and just to prove that I was there. Yeeeeeah.
The monstrous screen on the Q-Front building. And yes, that is a Starbucks Coffee that you see at the bottom of the picture. I had a matcha frappaccino there.
Ok! This picture post took me nearly an hour and a half to do. Hahahaha. Time to do more important things. Good bye!
-didya get a tan?
-i don't dig the fur look...
Hahaha. DUDE Japan is SO different than here. My gosh. It's 14 C right now.. I'm GETTING COLD!!!!!! Moo moo I want that fur hat! Haha. JUST KIDDING. Pretty hideous.
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