hola grace ¿como estasssssssss? estamos re contentos de que ya se acerca el dia que vamos estar juntas , soy NORMA yyyyyyyyyyyyyy aprende mucho español porque vas estar en mi casa y yo no se nada de ingles ok 

greacias a DIOS estamos terminando el año con muchas bendiciones y muchos hermanos nuevos .Este domingo pasaran por las aguas del bautimos 7 hermanos.
te digo que te AMAMOS mucho y te esperamos seguro sera de mucha bedicion recordar juntas el nacimiento de nuestro SALVADOR
( eli barrionuevo mu ayudo a escribir el e_mail )
Hi Grace! How are you? We are very happy that it's already nearing the day that we're going to be together. It's Norma. And, learn lots of Spanish because you're gonna be in my house and I don't know any English, OK? (I'M STAYING IN THE AHUALLI HOUSE IN TUCUMAN!!!) Thanks to God we are finishing this year with many blessings and many new brothers. This Sunday we will be passing the water of baptism of 7 brethren.
I tell you that we love you lots and we are waiting for you. Surely it will be a huge blessing remembering the birth of our Savior together (I'M SPENDING CHRISTMAS WITH THEM!!!!!!!)
Eli Barrionuevo helped me write this email.
AHHHHH OMGGGG I'M SO EXCITEDDDD!! TUCUMAN IN LESS THAN A MONTH!!! DECEMBER 17ISH!!! WITH THE AHUALLIS! IN TUCUMAN! WITH IBM!! Now I just need to pack my suitcase, go souvenir shopping, and hike through Torres del Paine first...
Haha you crazy girl!!! :))) Vistas look beautifullll :D I miss summer days!!!
aw what a sweet email from norma! methinks you have a mommy over there too.... =)
thinking about you. praying for you! LOVE YOU!
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