Thursday, May 1, 2008


EAP orientation yesterday was fun. Just shove me on a plane right now. I really want to go. Hahaha. Lord willing, I'll be able to go come late August. :)

I always come running away to blogging when I realize how much OWNAGE is waiting for me. It's name is "midterm." Say hello.


In this situation, when I have a mo bio midterm that's worth 40% of my grade looming over my head, someone may say to me, "大変ですよね。。。” which brings me to what today's word of the day is!

大変 (たいへん, taihen)
Definition: Difficult, serious, grave... in Moonbonics, "OH NOEZ!"
Example sentence: 明日中間試験が二つあるから大変です! (Because I have two midterms tomorrow, I'm in a difficult situation!)

Bye. :(

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you have your own ebonics, moonie?! =) too funny! hi GMW...yes, i am now officially a READER on this thingymajiggar, so i can keep up w/ you gals & pray for y'all when you're abroad!! =D