Thursday, May 15, 2008

More paperwork @_@

Good thing that I saved those mess up passport pictures. I need them for a couple of other papers that I need to turn into ICU itself.

Oh yeah, I got my acceptance packet. :D So it's pretty official now. But at the same time, I don't want to jump to conclusions about anything because as it is, I still feel kind of uncertain as to whether or not this will all go through. Maybe it's because it's such a big trip. Ya know, to not only study in another country but to live there for three months without my parents... D: It's a scary thought.

It's quite delightful, I know someone else who's going to ICU for the fall. Aside from Susan Ku, anyway. So us three are trying to plan something where we can stay in the same hotel the night before we have to go to ICU. Aw, it would be so cute for us to room together. Hah. Hah. Hah. But not if that means that I have to share sleeping space. If that's the case, then I will take the floor, thank you very much.

Anyway, just thought that I'd give this blog a little poke. And I still haven't looked into churches in Japan since that one night that I was on a google rampage. It's pretty discouraging to see all of the not so solid churches and frustrating to be unable to find a solid one. Plz pray for me. D: I know that God will provide but all the while, I can't help but be antsy and stuff. I shouldn't be. Ahhh. @_@

Word of the day

理想的 (りそうてき = risouteki, pronounced ree-soe-teh-kee)
Definition: Ideal (adj.)

Example sentence
Risouteki na bangohan wa ramen desu.
The ideal dinner is ramen. (Note: I am going to have this for dinner tonight. Shweeeeet.)


Anonymous said...

what does that word mean?

Moon said...

Haha, oops.