Sunday, June 22, 2008


There are only 15 more hours before I leave. I can't help but think to myself at times, "What are you getting yourself into?" I have longings to just stay. Half a year is a long bit of time. I can just stay at home for the summer, eat mom's food, enjoy the summer, take some time off from school, not worry about money, and just take it easy until school starts in September.

But then I tell myself that life isn't about what's comfortable, even if comfort is what I long for now.

Here are my prayer requests:
1. That I will get involved right away at the church in Chile, Luz al Mundo. That I will submit to the leadership there and be willing to be shepherded by them for the time I'm there without comparing it to Lighthouse.
2. That I will not make excuses to not seek first the kingdom of God, such as I'm too busy, too tired, or using this "special time in my life" to take a break from God.
3. I will get homesick. I will cry-- but that I will find solace in my fellowship with God and that my relationship with God would deepen from this.
4. That I will be a good steward and manager of my money, especially since financial aid is not here yet.
5. I will see this more than a study abroad trip, but rather an opportunity to fulfill the Great Commission. That I would be in missions mode to share the Gospel all the time, even if Pastor Patrick isn't here leading the team ; )
6. Good steward of my time and how I spend it, such as being diligent in my studies because I'm there on a STUDENT visa, not a LAZY visa. (Am I funny? : ] )
7. And of course-- travel safety, especially in traveling around Latin America.


Anonymous said...

thank you for being specific with your requests! i already miss you, grace. kent mentioned to me today, "I didn't see Grace Wu today at church." May you make an impact for Christ in Chile.

Moon said...


Unknown said...

what beautiful prayer requests! i'll be praying, of course. even though i don't see you anymore anyway, i will still miss you...especially knowing you're in another country! praise God for sending you there & may you make the most of the time He gives you there! don't forget to e-mail me your address =]