Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bienvenidos, Yookoso, Velkommen!

Hola a todos,
This is the blog of Grace, Moon, and Wury (GMW) as we prepare to study abroad in these following countries: Chile, Japan, and Denmark. We will be updating with prayer requests, developments in the whole process, and other news.

...In other news, Garrett and Wury are dating!


wuryah said...

haha :)

Moon said...

Haha, very clever with the username, Wury.

Vellllkommen to the blog.

Unknown said...

hahahaha HIII!!! =D

grace showed me this blog that u guys made!! yaay so even when u all are gone i can keep up to date with how y'all r doin =)

heheheh and i like the news announcement at the end too =D