Monday, March 17, 2008

LBC Missions

I have been checking the EAP website since I got accepted to see if the academic calendar is up so I can coordinate the dates to go to Tucuman (accent mark on the "a"), Argentina . I will need to be in Chile by June 25. That means a little more than three months away.

Nevertheless, the coolest part--the Intensive Language Program spans from June 30 – July 18.
LBC is in Tucuman from July 10-24 (with a few days taken off for travel time).
U de Chile orientation is July 23-25.

...That means I have FOUR to FIVE days off to visit Lighthouse in Argentina.

WOW! God is so good. It's like I am going on missions with LBC again this year since I get to be on the Home Team with the CZ & AR teams this year, I just won't be flying out with them (I'll just be meeting them there, jaja).

Gracias a Dios.