Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Lol, oh momma.

My parents check this blog because this is the only place that they can see my pictures.

I skyped with my family yesterday and my mom told me that they had seen the pictures that I had posted.

I asked what they thought of them. You'd expect my mom to say that she's happy to see that I'm doing well and having fun and what not. ... Right?


She says, "Ya know, in your pictures with your friends... I noticed that you look kind of chubby. When you come home, I'm going to run you to death. :D"

Oh momma. [Insert nervous laughter]

Speaking of nervous laughter, my grandma knows that I'm in Japan. She asked my parents for my phone number but they feigned ignorance. >_>; She's insisting that I go to Korea after my time in Japan so I can get the moles on my face removed via laser. And I knowww where that'll lead. "Since we're cleaning up your face anyway, why don't we get a little work done on your nose?"

D: D: D:

My parents haven't disclosed when I'm going to go back to the States either. Hhahahaha. I'm not kidding when I say that my grandma's the kind of person who would literally force me to get a nose job. :( People really think that I'm kidding or exaggerating but I'm not. My dad (her son) seriously said, "Yeah, she's the kind of person to do it... we won't send you to Korea after Japan."


Anyway, I have to finish my reading for my theater class. A 40 page long play. Not too bad. It's actually really interesting? And I have yet to finish reading the Robertson book on Takarazuka. It's been a very interesting study!



Anonymous said...


you have a cute nose.


Grace said...