Monday, October 6, 2008

Very annoying week. And it's only Monday.

1. Cell phone got stolen on the metro during rush hour. Sneaky Chilean's not the losing the phone that's annoying but the act itself because I can't do anything about it. It's stolen, the thief changed my SIM card, and it's a free phone for that fool.
2. Housing troubles make me want to move out of La Regencia and never live in San Diego ever again.
3. And all this in the midst of studying for a quiz for the class that made me cry. How am I to concentrate?



Anonymous said...

i guess we're both having problems with thieves. dan's car got broken into for the second time in about a month last week and today i got a call from my credit union saying someone had bought over $300 worth of shoes with my card, then tried using it to buy over $1000 of stuff at some other place. *sigh*

Moon said...

I'm sorry to hear about the other two adding to the situation. :( :( :( I found that sleeping on it helped a lot. (I took a fatty four hour nap >_>;;)