Sunday, September 28, 2008

Valparaiso, Chile. Part II

I love my EAP Study Center. We go on so many fun excursions (already paid for thru program fees, but I like to think they're free. Jaja). Went to Valparaiso again, and it reminded me so much of my times there with Natali :'( Miss that girl, yo. I thought it would be less fun with a big group of us and a tour guide, but it was very entertaining! Even with a mix of different EAP cliques, we all got along and chatted regardless, which I liked. : )

Architecture in Valparaiso:
Almost candy-like, huh?

Street art in Valparaiso:
Very bohemian and artistic. There's saying that once people get to really know Valparaiso, they never want to leave. I'm not quite there, but even though I've been there twice, it's so appealing. There's so much to see still, so much left unexplored!

Pablo Neruda's house--La Sebastiana
Pablo Neruda is the pride of the nation. A Nobel-Prize winning poet. An Italian movie (Il Postino) was made about his time in exile in Italy. He was a communist. A rich one at that, as you can see from his house. I loved his house. So candy-like and quirky. I took stealth pictures. :D
His house from the outside. He designed it to represent a boat because it overlooks the ocean.

A pink wall with a spur collection!!!! Sooooo clever!! I want to do the same!

Very see-through door to the bathroom...

Definitely my kind of bathroom.

Uh oh...big man Kelley doesn't fit in the doorway. Literally.

Definitely my type of wallpaper.

View from Pablito's house.

Me outside of Pablo's house.

Oh Pablo, you baller commie, you.

Petting llamas in Valparaiso:
I did it!
So soft and cuddly. Like a dog, but bigger. See? It's even licking Christy.

Mercado in Valparaiso:
Chickens for you, Higa! Thankfully the chicken owner just bred them for eggs, not to kill them to eat.

Like one of those Latin-American markets. So Latin-American that Andrea (on my right) got yelled at, "OH MY GOD! BEAUTIFUL WOMAN! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!"
In English. With a Chilean accent.
Who teaches these men these phrases? Jaja.


Anonymous said...

i have to send you pics of my new chickens! did i tell you i've ended up with 5 more? :-p one's a fuzzy- footed breed that's supposed to grow to around 9 lbs. monstrous!!

crap. i need a llama now.

CINDYYIP said...

i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
these picturesare beautiful.

wuryah said...

:) Hahaha. That llama licking your friend is gross! Haha. That house is definitely your kinda house :)

Anonymous said...

i like i like..valpariso...all the colors and unique building shapes reminds me of you...maybe you can bring that kind of wall paper back for your room in sd? ;)

Anonymous said...

that was so colorful!

NW said...

wow, your camera is so amazing! it captures the colors so well! (and your pic of Santiago at night... bellisimo!) Next time you're on a trip, tell Maricarmen I say hi. See if she still remembers me, hehe.