Sunday, September 28, 2008

This is the 100th post on this blog.

Woot. I'm the hundredth post. :D!

Anyway, I was finally able to meet up with John Yang. He came to TMEFC. Then we grabbed lunch and headed to Akihabara.

For those of you who don't know, Akihabara is also known as Electric Town. It has a lot of the latest gadgets and what not and you can usually find it for cheaper in Akihabara. It is also known for its anime nerdness. Which is what attracted me to the first place. (Yes, like a moth to light... -_-;)

I was a bit disappointed in not seeing as much nerdness (yes, nerdness and not nerdiness. I just like how "nerdness" sounds) as I had expected... or seen in Densha Otoko... but there was still a good amount of anime nerd going on.

We got a map of the area and John asked where the famous spots were, since we were foreign exchange students. The girl (dressed in a maid outfit) pointed us to three famous maid cafes and a couple of other places but we hit up the maid cafe first.


They greet you by saying, "Okaerinasaimase, goshujinsama/ojousama." That translates into, "Welcome home, master/milady." Yeeeeeeah. It was kind of weird but we (ok, not we... just me... but I noticed that John speaks colloquially to everyone?) spoke to them formally so that put some kind of customer/service person distance between us. Aside from me, there were two other females in the cafe. The rest were guys. And kind of creepy guys, too. The guy was standing in front of us in line knew all of the maids and they all knew him too.

All in all, it was an interesting experience but everything was butt expensive. Just the sitting fee was 700 yen. My melon soda + scoop of ice cream costed 600 yen. @_@ Definitely an experience, but one that I'm not willing to experience again. Hahaha. It was really funny, the maids do this thing when they serve you your food/drink. They say, "We're going to do some magic to make it taste better." Then you're supposed to follow what they're doing; they make a heart shape with their hands, move it side to side saying, "Moe, moe, kyuu, moe, moe, kyuu" and then shake their hands on top of the food/drink and say, "Oishiku nare!" ... Yeeeah. (Moe = mmm... hard to describe, wiki it. Kyuu = just a sound/noise. Oishiku nare = "Become delicious!")

Hahaha. Oh yeah, then after that, we walked around and we grabbed dinner since we didn't want to eat in that butt expensive place where the food was probably mediocre at best. Then we played this taiko drum game that I'm really really bad at but it was a lot of fun. Especially playing it to the Lucky Star opening song. Motteke! Seira Fuku! Ahahahaha.

Mmmmkay. I'm going to stop my nerdy post here. But after going to Akihabara today, I realize that I am not worthy to be called an anime nerd. There is still too much that I don't know/haven't watched/haven't read, so please don't call me it. But I do like anime. :D

Good night! Hhahahaa. (I'll post the only two pictures that I have from Akihabara in my next picture post!)

BTW! I SAW A GIRL DRESSED AS HARUHI SUZUMIYA. IT WAS SO TRIPPY. But she worked at the Taito arcade. When I asked for a picture, she said, "Ok, that's fine," as if she's asked it many, many times. Hahhaa.

Ok, forrealz. Peeeeace.


Grace said...

Yay you finally met up with John Yang!! It must be refreshing seeing a super-familiar/church family face.

Anonymous said...

moon. have you seen tokyo godfathers? i saw it on the plane recently. it was probably the second or third anime film i watched after spirited away. i liked it a lot!