Sunday, September 7, 2008

Tokyo Musashino Evangelical Free Church

Back in oh... February, was it? Grace Mao had been church hunting for churches in Tokyo for me. She recommended a church called Tokyo Evangelical Church since their pastor edited (or wrote a preface?) for a book that she had, which was theologically like-minded with what we believed in.

I looked for the church but only came across Tokyo Musashino Evangelical Free Church. I didn't know if they were the same church or not but I looked at their statement of faith and it seemed solid. However, still being suspicious of churches in Japan and the fact that TMEFC =/= TEC, I began a fruitless search for other churches.

A couple of days ago, I met a girl named Kana who's a PK. She's a sweet, sweet girl who invited me out to a Bible study that she and a group of others do. ... She didn't share any information with me, though. >_> (It's ok, we're facebook friends now so I can just ask her. :D) She told me that she knew some people who went to a church in Kichijoji, which is just one train stop away from the one that I get off at to go to school. So I googled "Kichijoji church -catholic" (I kept on getting hits for catholic churches...) and lo and behold, there was Tokyo Musashino Evangelical Free Church! I read the statement of faith again and seeing that it seemed solid, I went to check it out today.

I was really lazy and didn't go to Sunday school, which they had a 9:30. :( I should've gone to sleep as soon as I got back from Harajuku last night but I didn't. :( Anyway, I made it in time for their 11 o'clock worship service. I was greeted at the door by two greeters, Amelia and Kristie (... not sure if I spelled their names correctly). I then found a seat in the second row, center aisle. Haha. I love sitting up close, whether it be at church or in the classroom. 8D

Anyway, we had a time of praise, then offering. Then Pastor Dale Little went up to preach on "Poems about Jesus" and spoke on Revelation 5:9-10, 12. (He skipped 11 because that part's not a poem. Haha.) It made me a little wary that he skipped vs. 11 but that was dispelled once he began to explain the context of this passage. He then proceeded to exposit it! Then in the middle of his sermon, we had communion, because it was very fitting with what Pastor Little was preaching on. He said before the communion that it was a family affair, something that only Christians could partake in. He politely asked any non-believers to not partake of the bread and cup. He then also asked the parents to get the bread and cup for their children, but only if they were certain that their children were saved. He also said that the parents getting the bread and cup for the children symbolizes how the parents have charge and responsibility over their children coming to know Christ.


It was kind of weird because singing was spread out through the entire worship service but it was so fitting to what Pastor Little was preaching. It makes me wish that Lighthouse did that too! Hahaha. :) (If you're wondering why it was fitting, shoot me an email or comment... I'll explain it if you want to know.)

So yes, it was wonderful. Seriously, I started choking up while we were singing because it really felt like I was at home with family. It was my first time at with this congregation of 45-50 people but still, there were so many similarities with Lighthouse that it made me think of LBC a lot but at the same time, it made me give thanks to God for not just providing but really, what feels like over-providing. :)

I asked about membership and was told that they have associate membership. I brought home the application and filled it out. I will be praying about it this week, too. If you have any input about this decision, then please let me know. I'll be putting off turning in the application for a week or two, just so I have time to listen to more of the sermons and to interact more with the congregation before really setting my heart on TMEFC. Please pray for me as I make this decision! I also really want to serve while I'm here, even if it's only for 3 months. Haha they really seem to be in need of teachers for the youth and kids. It's kind of scary that they're pushing this on me (it makes me a little wary because they just seem desperate for teachers) but I want to prayerfully consider how I can support this church, even if it's just through prayer.

And! What's great is that this is part of the route that I take to school so my commuter pass covers it! :D Hahahaha. It's so awesome!

Btw, if you're like me and didn't know what an evangelical free church is, here's their statement of faith. It's pretty right on, imho.

Hahaha yeah, I'm bubbling over with excitement after finding this church. :) I got to talk with some of the congregation members. They were really warm and welcoming. There's even a professor (who teaches economics) from ICU who attends! He's Korean and invited me out to his office hours tomorrow where he talks about the Bible with some of the students.

It's so awesome. TMEFC is actually a Japanese church and the service I went to is just the English department. It makes me really giddy (hahaha Christine J. Wang, I will always think of you when I use this word) to think that there are Japanese people who are like-minded. :) :) :)

Mkay, that's all! Haha. A long post but when it comes to church, I can't help it. 8D

Wow, I can't believe that I didn't mention this but yes, THEY PREACH THE GOSPEL THERE. The church that I went to last week just talked about the topic of the Sabbath but didn't really talk about the gospel.


wuryah said...

MOONNNN!!!!!!! :))))))) I'm SO GLAD that there's a church out there for you!!!!! Seriously...I choked the first couple Sundays I was at FIBC because I finally met people that were like-minded - and felt like LBC. Hhehee. PRAYER ANSWERED! I'm so HAPPY for you!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I don't read this much (i rely more on your emails, delivered straight to my inbox) but I got mentioned here! Yay for giddiness! HOLLA at yo regular Saturday night, hangin w/ the fellas.


Anonymous said...

Hey moon! Praise God you found a Christ-centered biblical church, I actually plan to drop by sometime =)

Anonymous said...

Hi Moon. This is pastor dale little from Tokyo Musashino Evangelical Free Church. It was great to have you as part of our church fellowship in Tokyo for the fall months of 2008. Wish you could have stayed in Tokyo longer! God bless you as you follow him forth in mission.
Hey, about that church membership application...the important thing is that we are eternal members of God's family through Jesus. That is the only membership that really counts. Your temporary 3 month presence with us at TMEFC did not really require anything like a church membership. But if you come back for a year or so, it might be good to consider an associate membership! (Just kidding!) And we might even hit you up about teaching a Sunday School class!
Now the secret is out: the Evangelical Free Church is not such a strange association or family of churches. You can check us out at in the USA and at in Canada. You might not have heard of the EFC before coming to Japan, but we have about 1500 churches in the USA and about 150 in Canada (about 80 in Japan). Hey, there might even be one in your area of the USA.
Maybe you have heard of the pastor/Bible teacher, Chuck Swindoll? He is EFCA. The EFCA has a well known seminary called Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in the Chicago area. And the EFC of Canada has Trinity Western University in the greater Vancouver area. I have had the privilege of graduating from both those schools.
But the important thing is that we try to live and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ ("evangelical" = "gospel"). In addition, we try to lead our churches in a congregational manner ("free" = free from government control and bottom up (rather than top down) in leadership style).
Once again, thanks for being part of our church family for the fall months. I am glad your suspicions have been set aside!
May God continue to bless you through our Lord Jesus,
--your tokyo pastor, dale little