The Chilean grading scale is from 1 to 7. There was a joke that I heard once that said, "Only God gets 7s." haha.
Anyway. My first quiz grade...
That's a D+.
Are. You. Kidding. Me.
Same class that I cried to the prof in office hours. (Note to anyone who is thinking of studying en Universidad de Chile: Do not take Historia Social de Latinoamerica if you suck at Spanish or you'll end up like me.)
I don't know what to think; I need serious help in Spanish.
I came here thinking, "I want to challenge myself in Spanish and read and write in Spanish. I know it'll be hard, but I love a challenge!"
Not anymore. If there's an opportunity to get reading material in English, I am all over it as long as it gets the job done. Spanish is way too hard.
Monday, October 20, 2008
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hey just to encourage you a bit. Don't worry too much about your grade. Remember, worrying isn't going to add a minute to your life. And that God understands and knows how you are struggling, and that he'll provide for you in the end, trust Him!!! Theres nothing you can do about your grade but to just try your hardest and your work won't go in vain. I remember feeling exactly like how you felt... that feeling of defeat... that it almost feels impossible but what really helped in the end was I knew that i'm striving to LEARN not striving to get that A. And i got rewarded with a good grade in the end, God provided for me and He'll do the same for you too! Just remember Grace, you have such a great opportunity in Chile to learn the wonderful language of Spanish, this is where the peak of your spanish will be so don't lose out on this opportunity. Keep reminding yourself of why you came here to Chile in the first place as a way to encourage yourself each day to work hard. And if you're still worrying a bit, at the end of EAP, you can write to your program director (the person who gives you the final grade), and even talk to him/her too and they will change your grade!! So make sure you clearly let them know how much you struggled because the material is challenging for language abilities, but at the same time, you tried your hardest. The program director will understand and will bump up your grade.
jiao you gracccee!
Vince 和 Coleman--
謝謝您們, 我的中國人好朋友.
I probably used the wrong "ni" but Google translator won't give me the formal "ni." And I'm being obnoxious and writing in traditional Chinese while I know y'all are simplified readers. :)
Aww WuWu. Don't worry...think of this as just a good learning stepping stone. Aww Colman is so sweet! Haha.
Ya know, I wanted to comment to encourage you but then saw Coleman's monster comment (and saw Vince's comment too) so all I have to say is yeah, what they said. Hahaha. :)
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