Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Chiloé to Santiago

I arrived safely in Santiago a few hours ago. Back to smog, traffic, humans, heat, and homework. I have a lot to say about the trip, but basically I knew that God was with me the entire time working everything sovereignly. I ended up staying at the house of a pastor and his family and meeting a missionary from the USA and his family as well. It was incredibly eye-opening to see not only life in Chiloé, but also life in ministry and life as a Christian in Chiloé. Who would've thunk it that a spontaneous lone-ranger trip to an isolated Chilean island would be a lesson in ministry??

I also came back to some bad news. My apartment mate Sole called me yesterday to tell me my host mom got a heart attack while I was gone. I'm going to visit her in the hospital in an hour, but from the sound of her voice, she sounded fine, which Sole assured me of when she called me last night. When I called her, she was still being so motherly telling me there was food for me in the fridge so I wouldn't go hungry. Please pray for her health and her trust in God during this time.


Moon said...

Glad to hear that you arrived safely. I was beginning to get worried.

I'll be praying for your momma. Glad to know that she's sounding ok. Please post another entry updating us on her condition!

NW said...

Did you go to the Centro Biblico church in... uh... I forgot the city (ahem, village)'s name... started with a D---... ? I had once with some believers there who were friends w/ Roberto and Pastor Antonio.

Unknown said...

A Nancy: Dalcahue!! I didn't attend the church in Dalcahue that Sunday; I went to Isla Quinchao instead and went to the church in Achao--and stayed with pastor Marcelo and his family for 3 days! But I did visit Pastor Rafael's church in Dalcahue...well, more like I saw the outside of it and pet his sheep.
Pastor Antonio's got the hookups! Jaja!