Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Update from Chiloé

Just updating so you all know I arrived safely. I knew Chiloée is far, but not THIS far. I flew on the plane for 1:20 hours (with a guy sitting next to me who kept on looking over at me. It´s cuz I´m Azn, huh?) I arrived in Puerto Montt and took a bus for three hours. Three hours doesn´t sound that bad, but when you´ve been up all day in a moving vehicle...three hours is a lot, yo.
(Subway, airport bus, airplane, airport bus, ferry, bus again...)

But MAN...Chiloé is like a Latin American Scotland-Ireland!!! No kidding! Sheep, rolling hills, greenery, cows, body of water. WOWWWWWWWW. Okay, I´m gonna go to sleep. Planning on hiking tomorrow. Or visit an island. We´ll see.


wuryah said...

SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!

Moon said...


osgoon said...

i'm so glad you're still alive. please be safe. THANKS