Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I bought a webcam in July so that I could Skype with friends and family. Then one day, while talking to Cesar and Grace Mao, I was told that there was this strange noise in the background. I thought that perhaps it was all the fans whirring in my room so I turned them off. Still, the sound persisted.

Today, I tried to see just how bad it sounded. So I opened Sound Recorder and just recorded what sounded to me like silence. I played it back and it sounded TERRIBLE. Sorry for putting you guys through that! Then I tried to talk directly into the mic and I couldn't even hear myself!

So I'm going to have to go to Akihabara to buy another webcam tomorrow. :( I had to go there for an errand anyway, so I suppose that it's alright. It's just sad that my webcam's doing this to me. D: I took good care of it too!

Anyhoo, I'm not going to Kyoto this weekend after all. I wanted to spend at least a week in the Kansai region but if I were to go this weekend, I wouldn't be able to do that. So my friend Yun and I decided to just go next week after she finished all of her finals. :D We're going to be there from the 19th until the 24! I decided to take the shinkansen (bullet train) back, which does cost a lot of money but with a gakuwari (student discount), it lowers the cost by A LOT. We'll have roughly 3 days in Kyoto and 2 days in Osaka. :)

My Japanese final is tomorrow! I barely studied for it. :( I looked over the review packet that they gave us but it's not doing me any good. Also, my friend left her textbook at school so I gave her mine to study. I've learned 95% of this already so it's ok-- for her, it's the first time that she's ever learned it so I figured that she needed the textbook more than I did. That's ok, I hope that I'll be ok! After tomorrow's final, I just have that dissertation to write, which I'm planning to finish after I get back from Akihabara so it'll be a nice, fun weekend for me! :D I should tourist it by myself in Tokyo! That is, if I am able to finish my paper by tomorrow. -_- I hope I can-- I want the professor to look over it before I turn it in.

Ok, that's all for now! I really should start studying forreal 'cause I have to wake up at 8. Peace!

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