Monday, November 24, 2008

snowing again!! Hyan is coming!

It snowing right now!!! Wow, I biked in the snow :) Hahaha. I'm a true Dane now - I bike through wind, rain, and now snow!! Haha. I took a video of myself on my cell phone. Haha.

So Hyan, my oldest sister is coming tomorrow and I'm so excited to have her here!! I hope she can experience the snow while it lasts :) I'm thankful for her that she'll spend that much money to come here and spend Thanksgiving with me and also travel! Haha I'm sure going to Europe is just a plus and another excuse to come. Haha just kidding, but it really is a plus. Have a free place to stayin in Copenhagen if you come from now until December 22nd. Then you would have to leave with me at 5:30am on December 22nd because that's when I gotta go for my flight! WOW...It's November 24th and I have less than a month to go here. I sorta wanna stay longer! Haha. It'll be bittersweet leaving - I think the best part was meeting the people here in Copenhagen. Not necessarily the Danes. I only play volleyball with them really. Haha. But those ones are cool and I'll miss them too - but the church is what I'll miss here. It's been such a faithful spiritual home and really a family to me. Oh Copenhagen...I must make a bucket-list of things to do in Copenhagen. I've made it much more like a home than a place to go visit different museums and castles and churches. But I think I'm gonna start making a list to go visit the ones that I really should. Haha well when Hyan comes - we'll do some of that.

Haha did I tell you guys that I'm going to Rome, Italy?!?! Haha. Hyan wanted to go...and when we bought tickets to go to Poland they got cancelled because Sterling Airlines went bankrupct! So when I was pressing Hyan to make a decision of what to do she didn't really get back to me soon and then she spontaneously decided to go to Rome! So I'm going with her haha. So we'll be there from Wednesday afternoon till Saturday morning!

Right now I gotta go do my Danish homework! But next time I blog it'll be after I come back from Italy! Ciao!

Oh and here are pictures from my London trip with my old suitemate lovely Loan Luu!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wuryah !
you're coming back, you're comming back soon ! i'm soo excited. :)
and ROME! have fun!
see you soooon.