Tuesday, November 4, 2008

US Presidential Elections in Chile

Hola gringos,
I did not realize USA's worldwide power until I started living in Chile. Every night on the news up to today--ELECTION DAY-- Obama and McCain's faces were on TV anticipating the presidential election. Today Chilean news networks are keeping vigil over election results, updating every few minutes which states voted for whom. A news anchor on one of Chilean's TV channels (who speaks with a thick Spanish accent that annoys my Chilean mom. Just a sidenote.) even traveled to Chicago to report from there, conducting interviews with voters. And now my Chilean mom and my apartment mate are keeping vigil on the election results. I just heard the anchors talking about New Hampshire.

Contrast this with when Argentina's president, Cristina Kirchner, won the presidency last year. A woman won the presidency. It was simply a sidenote on Yahoo's news page. It was business as usual. Hm. Chew on that.

From the Chileans I have talked to here, a lot of them are rooting for Obama. My pastor here, Antonio, said he preferred Obama because McCain seemed like any old stiff WASPy president, while Obama was a breath of fresh air for USA's global image. Today my Cuban volleyball prof asked me who I voted for (Obama), and I asked him who he wanted to win. He said Obama because his presidency would improve relations with Cuba. I couldn't believe that who the president of my country will be would matter to someone who doesn't even live in Cuba or the USA.

May the best candidate win.


Anonymous said...

The reason why the US presidential election was so covered, is because the possible winner was a black president...something without records in the US history, and for extention in the world history..because US is the most important nation in the world...

But don't get too excited...for the last election...Bush against someone... nobody was that interested in the US elections, except for the US citizens of course

Unknown said...

Si, tienes razon, Tomas. Mi mama chilena me dijo lo mismo, que en 2004 no habia tanto coverage de las elecciones. Pero gano Obama! Espero que mejore las cosas...

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