Sunday, July 20, 2008

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Buen dia (o sea, buenas noches) desde Bs As! I guess God did want me to come to Buenos Aires because here I am in my strange hostel in a shady part of San Telmo typing on my laptop in the dark and listening to Brazilian speak Portuguese outside my door. I am rather familiar with my way around here already, much more than when I came here the past 2 times with LBC because we only walked thru Calle Florida, the huge touristy shopping pedestrian street, which is the scene that I want to stay away from now that I have an opportunity to check out non-touristy Buenos Aires. I didn't take any fotos yet because I don't want to take out my big bulky camera until I have a good feeling of the city. It makes me rather nervous.

I'm getting kind of anxious about meeting up with LBC tomorrow because I don't know what time they are arriving and I don't know their cell phone numbers. I really don't want to stake out their hotel until they arrive, but I might have to. I went to Andres' church today and met his pastor, who gave me his phone number, which was different from the one Andres gave me, so I'm kind of nervous about not being able to get in touch with them. If worst comes to worst, his pastor has my phone number and Andres can get my phone number from him. I will not be that excited to be here until I see LBC! Sure, I'm having fun here, but now that I have Chilean eyes, so to speak, Buenos Aires is just another city. It actually reminds me a lot of Santiago, just with more blondes, better food, better air (but not that much better), and more European buildings. And weirdly enough, I actually miss the Chilean accent and slang. When I got here, the Argentinean accent weirded me out, even though I have heard it many times before! I had a hard time understanding them even! Moo Tang, you're right...I'm slowly gonna like Chile more. Look what one month has done to me! What I like about Argentine Spanish though is that they speak much slower (whew) and I understand a lot of what they say, unlike in Chile. Nevertheless, the rapidity in which many Chileans speak really helped me nurture an attentive ear, which has helped me a lot coming to Buenos Aires. Woot! Now I know for sure my Spanish is improving! Furthermore, I do miss Santiago because my Chilean momma is there, my room is there, and it feels like home now that I'm away from it. Weiiiird!

Furthermore, I'm meeting a lot of international people. My 3 roommates are from Ireland, and I was explaining to them where I am from. Kind of the USA, kind of not. It's kind of cool: I'm a US citizen whose parents are from Taiwan, but I came from Chile because I'm studying there. It makes me sound like one of them people from Europe who go all over the world to study and know 945869670 languages. Jajajaja I wish!

Anyway, this ends my random thoughts while being in Buenos Aires. I hope I get to catch Lighthouse tomorrow. Sigh. Stressful. They're pretty far away too, so this should be quite an adventure...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hang in there, grace ! :)