Tokyo Weekly Mansion is the name of the company that owns these short-term apartments. It looks pretty nice. Here are some pictures from their website:
It's pretty snazzy. It has air conditioning too, something that the dorms at ICU don't have. Hahaha. It will be good for the first month that I'm there! I'm trying to read the stuff in Japanese on the site, about other stuff that they have. We can get a rice cooker by going down to the lobby and asking for one, free of charge! So awesome. :D The units come with a refrigerator and a kitchenette, with cooking utensils and everything.
These apartments are about an hour away (by train and bus) from campus, though, so the commute will be pretty killer. I think that I'll just get a lot of reading done or something. @_@;; Hopefully I'll have friends to commute with. Haha.
There's a TV there as well, but considering that I don't even watch TV in San Diego and that it'll all be in Japanese... @_@;;
The biggest thing, though, is how much this apartment is. If you think that my paying $423.75 a month for rent right now is a lot, you're going to cry with me when I tell you that this room is 99,000 yen a month. 99,000 yen = ~990 USD. Yep, nearly a thousand dollars for that room a month. Meaning that it'll cost me about $3000. I wonder if they'll charge me that much, though, 'cause I'll be there just two weeks shy of a three months. o_o
Anyway, that made me really D: D: D:. I didn't break the news to my momma yet-- I'm biding my time, waiting for the right time to tell her... haha.
I also have to buy a monthly commuter pass for the train and the bus. For the train, it's ~9,200 yen (~$92) and for the bus, it's ~7,500 yen (~$75... you starting to get the trend here?). I guess that it's not too bad, considering that I'd want to explore Tokyo a bit during the school year. :D I do have to worry about the shinkansen (bullet train) 'cause I want to go up to Hokkaido and stuff but riding the shinkansen costs just as much, if not more, than a plane ticket! If that's the case, then I might as well forget Hokkaido and hitch a plane down to Okinawa! Haha.
Wow, an actual update about EAP stuff for once. I had been waiting for this email. It's all very exciting (and painful on the wallet)! The only thing that I'm really waiting on is the certificate of eligibility! Then, Lord willing, I'll be all set for Japan! :D
Mkay, back to lipid rafts (THEY'RE SO COOL).
hullo LBC twin! =] oooh...your "mansion" looks nice & very clean!
moonymoon--i'll be praying for you while you're in Japan. i sincerely hope that you'll make the most of your commuting time, so that it would be profitable towards your spiritual growth.
shine the light over there! =)
All you need is 5 cats and your lifelong dream of living alone will come true!
That apartment looks really "modern" haha with how clean it is and stuff. Looks nice but is crazy expensive haha, I can't wait to talk with you once you're in Japan to hear about how it is haha. And wow to Grace's comment haha dogs are awesomer!
"lipid raft"?
how exciting.. :)
you can really eat your nato now.
thank God my mom came across your blog! i'm participating in the exact same program... same time, same place. and i'm nervous about commuting to class from the apartment!! would you mind going to class with me? haha.
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