Friday, July 11, 2008

Chilean ice cream!

I'm so nasty. I ate ice cream 5 times this week. Don't hate. Thanks. : )

This is mainly for Stephanie Higa: I tried rose-flavor ice cream and chocolate basil (albahaca) ice cream! I wish I could mail you a carton so you can taste the deliciousness of both! The rose was a refreshing and subtle rose + cream flavor that really shouldn't be mixed with overpowering flavors like chocolate or dulce de leche or else it will take away from the light flowery flavor. The chocolate basil was a rich chocolate ice cream (the kind that makes you thirsty) with an aftertaste of basil and pepper that left a spicy sensation in your throat afterwards. This delicious cafe is called Emporio La Rosa. More visits to come later on with pictures...maybe, if I get more ice cream : )

Also a random observation: in restaurants or cafes, when the servers find out that I am a gringa, they are very eager to practice their English with me. Most of the time it's pretty poor English, but I figure since very few people speak English in Chile I might as well humor them and let them speak some English with me.Ever since I've been here I realize how fortunate (and random, really) that I know English because it's such an important asset to have in the scope of globalization. From merely appearances, I'm just an Asian girl who looks like she could come from some East Asian country, but out of my mouth comes California-accented English, I think in English, I write in English. It's basically my world. It's overwhelming to think about it at times. I could have easily been some college student in Taiwan who probably would have never set foot in South America nor knew any language other than Mandarin...but God wanted me to be (very fortunately) a gringa whose primary language is English. Isn't that mind-blowing?!


Anonymous said...

mmmmmm!!! there's some indian stuff, kulfi bars, that come in rose, and i've enjoyed that a lot. i need to get a good ice cream maker when i grow up so i can try making my own chocolate basil ice cream! ...or i could try going to chile. :-)

Grace said...

I want you to both get an ice cream maker AND come to Chile.

Dude! Kulfi! I totally forgot about that stuff! It was my summer of 2007 trend. :) But it was so expensive and far away I kind of just forgot about it...but that stuff is deee-ricious.

wuryah said...

i've had rose ice cream!!!! and a crazy chile chocolate ice cream. and avocado...i've had some crazy ones. even corn ice cream. the chocolate chile one first tastes like chocolate and then you get a burst of chile peppers! haha. WISH I WAS THERE!